Posts Tagged ‘ Barack Obama ’

“Blame It” Spoof (Totally Sketch)

This YouTube video has only been up for 2 days and already has more than 70,000 views! I can see why because it’s quite clever and so funny!! And the woman really looks like Michelle Obama, especially from the side angles!


So I am so THRILLED about our President-Elect, Barack Obama. And even more excited that his brilliant wife, Michelle, will be in the White House! This bodes well for me.

I have been delaying a post because I am still processing this significant moment in our American history, and the most significant moment thus far in my life as a Black woman. Honestly, I am still floating above the earth looking down at all that has happened in this last week. But I am excited to put some thoughts on (electronic) paper… if only I can find the time! 🙂

Barack Obama & Curtis “50¢” Jackson

Very insightful piece on Black masculinity in America.

Our Nation Needs Restoration.

Our nation deserves a chance at restoration

Our nation needs restoration. We can make it happen. Vote Obama.